Donnerstag, 22. Juli 2010

Freiwilligenplatz in polnischem Kindergarten

Wieder kurzfristig ist ein freier EFD-Platz zu vergeben. Die Chance für dich ergibt sich dieses Mal in Polen. Einer unserer Projektpartner in Stettin sucht für einen Start im September einen engagierten Freiwilligen für ein Kindergarten-Projekt. Bei Interesse ganz schnell unter melden und nicht vergessen, eine Telefonnummer anzugeben, damit wir dich anrufen können.

Und hier kommen die Details zum freien Projekt:

We are looking for one volunteer for our approved EVS project. Volunteer will work with other hosted volunteers from Europe (Germany, Georgia and Turkey) in kindergarten. We are looking for open person with some experience in work with children or artistic skills. Main tasks of volunteers will be:
- help professional staff in everyday caring activities - such as: feeding children, dressing up and changing children, help in higienic activities (but it will be once in a while and not everyday duty of the volunteer),
- support proffesional staff in everyday educational activities - such as: active participation in group or individual care, specially activities inspiring children to learn english language,
- be part of activities which aim is to run the organization and realize its' goals - such as: help in organization of cultural and integration activities, active participation in cooperation with parents, help in preparing decorations, etc. Przedszkole Publiczne Nr 18

Project environment

Szczecin is a port city situated in north - west part of Poland (30 km from Polish - German border, 150 km from Berlin, 100 km from the seaside). It's a capital of the West Pomerania Region, broad and open gate in the southern Baltic Sea.

Szczecin - for centuries - has provided a centre from which Europe's transit routes have crossed from west to east and from north through the Balitc to the south of Europe. It is a city of merchants and travellers, enjoiyng an unique geograpfical location from sailors' point of view. Of its entire area, 24,4% is water: arms of the Odra River, Lake D¹bie, a network of port cannals and channels, the southern part of Zalew Szczeciñski, Lake G³êbokie, Lake Szmaragdowe and some smaller water courses meander and connect with ponds situated in enormous green areas of the city in Arkoñski Forest.

There are several cultural centres such as cinemas, theatres, museums, The Pomeranian Dukes' Castle. A various attractions - pubs, student clubs and galleries are a quarantee that everyone can find something interesting here. It is also quite a big students' city - many colleges such as the University of Szczecin, Technical University, Agricultural Academy or Medical Academy and several private colleges are located here.

Although Szczecin is a great tourist attraction, many tourists visit the city (and West Pomerania Region) and many different cultures meet here, it still has its' own atmosphere and you can realy taste the "Polish way of living" living here.

Proposed activities for EVS volunteers

The organization by everyday activities implements programs which aims are to support development of children attending there through various activities. Actionsundertaken by teachers aim to increase level of social activeness of young citizens. Daycare centre takes care of cooperation with parents. Through implementation of suitable programs children gain skills of interpersonal communication, empathy, cooperation with other people and they are able to find themselves supportive in many difficult situations. Through spreading knowledge about the region and country daycare centre is biulding in children attachment to national culture and by cooperation with similar organizations from other countries - makes children realise existing of european community, and gives them opportunity to get to know other cultures and languages.

By EVS projects daycare centre implements its' own goals but also promotes intercultural dialogue and goals of Youth in Action program.
EVS volunteer will during his / her project mostly focus on helping children to get to know / learn english language through everyday contact, by active ammusement methods. Volunteer's main goal

Other volunteer's tasks will involve:
- help professional staff in everyday caring activities - such as: feeding children, dressing up and changing children, help in higienic activities (but it will be once in a while and not everyday duty of the volunteer),
- support proffesional staff in everyday educational activities - such as: active participation in group or individual care, specially activities inspiring children to learn english language,
- be part of activities which aim is to run the organization and realize its' goals - such as: help in organization of cultural and integration activities, active participation in cooperation with parents, help in preparing decorations, etc.

Continuation of EVS hosting activities is next step of planned by daycare centre european activities. EVS volunteer who will be hosted in daycare centre is for children "fresh accent", chance to gain new, interesting experiences. Everyday contact with someone who represents other culture, speaks different language and represents different, interesting experiences in field of work with children is for proffesional staff an impuls to take new actions and look at the whole educational process differently.

EVS volunteer who will be part of our community - will have many opportunities to gain intelectual, emotional and cultural experiences by contact with other culture, getting to know our values and social rules. Besides tasks implemented in frames of the project EVS volunteer will have an opportunity of implementing his / her own ideas and presenting his / her own opinions. As EVS volunteer will gain more experience he / she will be able to run some activities himself / herself - always with supervisor (proffesional teacher).

Description of the organisation

Daycare centre for children "Happy 18" is a public organization in Szczecin, it exists since 1977. The organization and its' proffesional staff:

- supports children' personal and social development by using their individual potential and possibilities,
- creates helpful environment and educational atmosphere which helps in total and harmonious child development in emotional, social and cognitive sphere,
- aims to unify eduational actions of daycare centre and family home through attractive forms od cooperation with parents,
- undertakes self-educational proces which has an input on quality of organization's work,
- to prepare young citizens to live active in United Europe, saving their national identity and presenting world in most creative, multisensual way.

In the organization work 19 people, 9 of them are teachers, others (management staff) are helping staff (nannies, caretakers). 
Daycare centre implements educational program for children who are 3 - 6 years old. Daycare centre is opened from 6:30 to 17:00 from Monday to Friday, 10 months a year (from September to June), in summer holiday in cooperation with other daycare centres and regional education department organization is on duty for 2 weeks, 10 hours a day.

Apart from regular activities, the daycare centre offers many interesting forms of education for children such as rhytmics, corrective and compensatory gimnastics or dance, english lessons. 

The organization cooperates with local community - orginises meetings concerning local cooperation (for example with police, nurse, actors of Szczecin's theatres, Councli Estate, others.

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