Donnerstag, 1. Juli 2010

Spannende Aufgaben in Rumänien

Das Cluj-Napoca Volunteer Centre in Rumänien kann schon ab Mitte Juli einen Freiwilligen aufnehmen. Das Projekt dauert 12 Monate. Im ersten Schritt genügt ein Lebenslauf in Englisch. Den bitte per E-Mail an schicken.

Hier die Infos der Rumänen:

Our children, our future

The volunteers will be working in 14 villages around Cluj-Napoca, in the local schools in planning and organizing road-safety and multicultural lessons for the children in the communities. The volunteers will live in Cluj because all of the villages are close to the city.

The project’s title is “Our children, our future” and it is structured on 2 different activities – Activity 1 will involve 3 volunteers, while activity 2 will host 2 volunteers.
Activity 1 of the project in which the volunteer will be involved is a road safety and multicultural education program. This EVS project is continuing a local project that our organization has implemented starting with September 2008 in 14 villages in the rural area of our county.
The EVS project entails presentations that are held in the schools of 14 rural communities that surround the city of Cluj-Napoca in front of the pupils from primary schools (7-11 years old). Every month, a relevant theme for road safety or multicultural education is presented in every of the 14 schools in an attractive manner and by using non-formal education elements. The activity aims at developing a responsible behavior in a way that will not be considered boring by the children and by using as many visual elements as possible.
All the 14 communities are close to Cluj-Napoca (maximum 50 km) and the access to them is made either by using public transportation or by car. Hence the volunteers will not be living in the rural area but in the city, sharing an apartment with our current EVS volunteer.
The volunteers’ main role will be to prepare the presentation (from choosing the subject approached to selecting materials and activities that are suitable for the subject) and to actually present the topic in front of the children. The lessons will focus mainly on road safety and on multicultural education, but at the same time the volunteers will be given the chance to put into practice their own ideas regarding the topics for the lessons.
Besides all the details specific to any EVS project (the volunteers living together, taking Romanian lessons to facilitate their integration in the community and in the working environment, having the support of a mentor etc.), the most important features of our project are:
The project has as main objective the personal development of the volunteers, including growth in areas such as communication skills, deeper understanding of the concept of mutual acceptance and tolerance, time management skills, planning and organizing events, team-work related skills , creativity and innovation etc; in order to maximize the reaching of this objective every volunteer will have the support of a mentor; the mentor will work together with the volunteer sustaining him/her in establishing and reaching their own learning objectives;
from the perspective of the community’s development one of our objectives is to continue to teach road safety and responsible behavior in traffic to the children from the communities and to improve the program by adding the outside standpoint of the volunteers;
the first 3 months (July-September 2010) will be dedicated to preparing the actual implementation with the volunteers; this stage will include: learning Romanian since the presentations in the schools will be held in Romanian (if after the 3 months the volunteers will not feel comfortable with the level of Romanian learned, there will also be a possibility of recruiting local volunteers to accompany the EVS volunteers during their first presentations in schools), selecting the subject and the activities for all the presentations(all revolving around road safety) , rehearsing the first presentation in front of the other volunteers and the project coordinator (to get used to all the elements and to improve the elements that need this) etc.;
during the first stage of preparation, the volunteers will also visit the 14 communities accompanied by the project coordinator; during these visits the volunteers will have the possibility to meet the children and the teachers they will work with, to be introduce to the children, to become familiar with the communities and the transportation means used, to choose the communities they want to work in, to know their contact persons within each community;
every volunteer will be responsible for 4-5 communities where they will organize approximately 7 presentations during their service in our organization (one every month starting from November 2010 to may 2011); when not in the communities the volunteers will work at our office in preparing the future visits in the schools but also with a possibility of being involved in other projects of the organization;
even though we are talking about a road safety project, the volunteers will be given the opportunity to include other subjects in the presentations held in the schools according to their own interest and the need identified amongst children;
the volunteers will also have the chance to bring their own ideas in the project and even start something new, in addition to the road safety program, in the rural communities; we will take into consideration all the ideas and the proposals and we will assess, together with the volunteers, the opportunity of putting these ideas into practice;
As far as the practical arrangements are concerned a few problems need to be mentioned:
The volunteers will be living together in the same apartment with our current volunteers; since the living accommodations have not been finalised yet we can not give more specific details, but we want to prepare the volunteers for the possibility of not having their own room; most probably every volunteer will be sharing the same room with another volunteer from the same project, according to gender;
The volunteers will be given a monthly allowance that covers the expenses with the living accommodation and with the food (the volunteers will be responsible for cooking their own food); in addition every month the volunteer will be given a payment that represents the “pocket money” that he/she can spend for other needs besides accommodation and food;
The schedule of the volunteers include 5 days of activity per week; as a consequence every volunteer has the right to 2 free days every week; beside these, every month every volunteer will have 2 additional days off that he/she will be able to use to visit the surroundings of Cluj-Napoca;
Every volunteer has the right to participate in a training cycle specific to any EVS project: pre-departure training (in the country of residence), on arrival training and mid-term evaluation (both in the hosting country), final evaluation (in the country of residence);

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