Dienstag, 20. April 2010

EFD-Platz frei: Verständigung zwischen Roma und Rumänen

In einem rumänischen Freiwilligenprojekt benutzen die Organisatoren den Sport, um rumänische und Roma stämmige Schüler zusammen zubringen. Ein spannendes Projekt, dass bereits begonnen hat und für das nun noch zwei weitere Freiwillige gesucht werden. Projektort ist die Uni-Stadt Craiova (rund 60.000 Einwohner). Dein Start sollte so schnell wie möglich sein, spätestens aber Mitte Mai. Das Projekt dauert noch bis 15. Dezember.

Wie immer im Europäischen Freiwilligendienst übernimmt die EU sämtliche Kosten der Freiwilligen.

Für eine Bewerbung sendet bitte so schnell wie möglich einen Lebenslauf und einen Motivationsbrief für dieses spezielle Projekt (beide auf Englisch) an
info@erziehungsweise.org. Alle Infos zum Programm EFD findet ihr hier, die wichtigsten Fragen werden in der Rubrik Q&A beantwortet.

Hier findet ihr eine Kurzbeschreibung des Projekts unseres rumänischen Partners:

Short Description
SEED (Sport Education for intEgration Development) is a Group EVS project having as main aim the involvement, active participation and cooperation between Rroma and Romanian youngsters. The project will involve 10 volunteers from Programme Countries, and will be implemented in Craiova for 9 months, basically in three schools were Rroma youngsters are studying (only in a separated manner from the Romanian pupils).
The project aims also towards volunteer personal development, providing them opportunities for intercultural learning and cultural awareness, new skills and abilities development, multilinguism and use of sport as educational tool.
The project is divided in 5 main phases: a Capacity building training, the preparation of the activities schedule, through trainings and planning meetings, the implementation of the after-school non formal educational activities, the implementation of the Summer Camp and the Evaluation. Furthermore, during the whole duration of the project, weekly and monthly evaluation meetings will take place, in order to establish a constant reciprocal monitoring of the implementation of the project in between the volunteers and the project-coordinators.
Locations: Scoala n°26, Str. Banu Stepan nr.20, 200819 Craiova, Dolj, Romania.; Scoala n° 19, Str. Baraganului nr. 45, Craiova, Dolj, Romania. Scoala Generala Popoveni.

Amongst the concrete tasks of the volunteers we mention:
1. attend all the preparatory(Capacity Building Programme), training (On Arrival, Thematic trainings, Language sessions) and evaluation meetings (weekly and monthly evaluations) organized during the EVS project and directly related to it.
2. Attend the support and guiding meetings with the TRUST organization
3. prepare themselves for each meeting with the requested materials (for example: filling on time the monthly evaluation forms)
4. learn about the Rroma cultures, customs, way of life, etc
5. assist the organization stuff in the preparation, implementation and evaluation of the non formal educational activities for the Rroma and Romanian Youngsters
6. help prepare a Summer Campus for a mixed group of youngsters
1. record all their activities in a monthly electronic journal
2. Assist in working with the youngsters, propose activities, discussion topics, share opinions, cultural and traditional customs, etc.
3. Openly communicate with the mentor, his/her peer volunteers and the EVS coordinator
4. Display a decent and common sense behaviour in relation to the organization, the youngsters, local stakeholders and the local hosting community in general
5. Contribute to the visibility of the project in the community, especially amongst the target group (youngsters) as well as the local actors (public administration, education institutions, media, etc)
6. Be responsible and meet one’s tasks accordingly.

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